Saturday, June 03, 2006


Sometimes when you reflect back on a time in your life you are excited about how much you have grown and changed- that is not the case today. Though I feel that this year has been good for me and I have learned a lot about myself, I can't help feeling sad too.

I am looking back on friendships that have fallen through the cracks and I so many what ifs pop into my had. Did I not make enough effort, did I not show enough love, was I too selfish, self-centered, and horrible? Did we just grow apart or did do something? And even with all of that did I throw in the towel too early rather than fighting for it.

I know that we all grow and change and friendships change too but I can't help feeling like I am to blame.

How do you know if the things that have changed in you are for better or for worse? I feel as if I have grown in a good way but if that is the case why do so many people see it otherwise? I feel like I am a twelve year old girl again... funny how every time you think you have figured yourself out reality comes and slaps you in the face again.

I am ever a work in progress...

On a lighter note- the concert was beyond amazing! I had so much fun with my friends and the bands were ALL great (even opening acts which was a shocker to me!).
I will get pics up as soon as I get a chance!

1 comment:

BrownEyedGirl said...

I love you Beth. You are a beautiful woman of God.