Monday, December 17, 2007

This chapter is called "It's time to get back to blogging" or "A New Journey"

For the past few months I have really been feeling a pull from God towards Biblical literacy. As far as Biblical literacy goes at the moment I'm pretty far behind considering where I should be. I look at Muslims as a whole and have a profound respect for them- not only do they know their scripture but they know ours as well, often times better than WE know the Bible, and they have no problems proving that to us. How can we say that we believe in God and that we follow HIs will for us when we don't even know what He has to say about things. Pulling random verses from Sunday School out doesn't necessarily count either. That was fine as a child but now that I am an adult I must leave behind childish ways (hey maybe I do know my Bible!). It is time for a deeper understanding of the word so that I can pull out verses and actually understand what they mean in context. It is much harder to twist God's word to what we want when we take it in context!

Over the next, well, I don't know how long this will take me but I will be digging into the Bible cover to cover reading and studying the Bible for better understanding. I pray that I will be doing this out of love and not because I feel obligated. I want this to be a joy but I also recognize that there will be times that this will seem to be a tedious task and in those times I pray for the strength to "fake it til I make it" as they say, that I will have the strength to persevere through the hard times until it becomes a joy again. PLease keep me in your prayers and keep reading. I will be posting regularly on my progress and sharing my thoughts on what I read. PLease keep the feedback coming!

1 comment:

Keri said...

Hi Beth,

Sorry for the unrelated comment. Iwasn't sure how else to contact you. A while back you visited my String Bean Studios Blog and entered a giveaway for a pair of knitted baby booties. You left me a comment stating that you'd be interested in having me host a giveaway of an item that you have made. I was wondering if you're still interested because I'd love to promote your work before Christmas if possible. Please contact me @ to let me know.

Thanks a bunch!
Keri Aragon

String Bean Studios