Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Don't you love it when it dawns on you that you are doing exactly what God has planned for you? Yesterday was the first time that I had to teach an actual class of children. Sure, I have written billions of lesson plans before but those have always been presented to my peers in a college classroom, never to the real people group I will be teaching.

I am taking a class right now and I am the only one who signed up for it, one on one attention is amazing when learning how to write lessons! Since I was the only one I had no outlet to present it so we asked the director of the nursery school where I work and she and the teacher invited me to teach for a week! I had to write an entire thematic unit and am currently teaching it.

I was so nervous yesterday morning. I had planned for weeks and arrived at the classroom an hour early to set up but could not calm my nerves- I was not nervous with the children or even with my plans, I was nervous about my professor, the teacher, and the director all observing me. It is tremendous pressure to not just have one master teacher observe but three!

Well, the day went off without a hitch! The kids were cooperative and loved the activities I had planned and I got compliments from the director, teacher, my prof AND other teachers in the building.

Growing up an officers' kid you always feel that pull that you HAVE to be an officer or at the very least go into ministry, for a long time I had felt that I might be making a mistake considering the officer to civilian ratio in my family but every time I step into a classroom I am reminded why I didn't go to the training school.

I love my job and I love that someday I will have a classroom of my own (though I don't always enjoy all the work that goes into getting there!).


Chip said...

Beth - you are going to be a great teacher and it is great to know you are doing what God made you to do. I'm glad things are going well at Nyack, know that even though we don't always talk a lot we pray for you. Keep us up to date on those kids at work and when you are going to be around.

Anonymous said...

Great work.