Sunday, October 22, 2006

Answered prayer...

God is good...

For the past few months I have been babysitting for a family that I just don't gel with. They are nice and decent people but some of their parenting ideas just do not coincide with my ideas. It was fine in the beginning and it paid the bills but recently it has just been really hard (for reasons I won't get into).

I truly could nto take it anymore. I wanted to quit but could not because I had no other source of income. Just as I was reaching my breaking point a new door opened.

This year I have an internship at a preschool in the 2s room (I LOVE it by the way!). One of the mothers recently asked for my number because her sitter graduated from Nyack and therefore could no longer babysit.

Not only do I really like the parents but the kids are fabulous too! It is two girls, ages five and two and they are just giant loveballs. The hours are perfect and the pay is better than the family I was working for. BONUS: She is a chef and knows how much I love to cook so she offered to teach me some new techniques! How cool is that? She also said that during holiday season she will pay me to help her cook if I am up for it (she caters). I am so excited- this family is a perfect fit for me AND they are right in town.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow...


BrownEyedGirl said...

Wow! We just talked about that. :) God is fast. And I really liked your illustration.

Mhairi said...


Good things come from God!

Love you