I was cleaning the bathroom yesterday and I am a person who needs background noise while cleaning anything. As I flipped through my CD binder I came across this CD which I hadn't listened to in awhile and popped it in. As I listened to her song, Generations, I really started thinking (that's right- I can have serious revelations while scrubbing a shower with a toothbrush). In the past when I heard this song I automatically thought about th generational sins that had come before me, I would always place blame on others for the things that faced me today. However, something about this time was different, maybe it was the soap scum and Magic Eraser that humbled me, I started reflecting on myself and thinking about how my decisions and actions would affect my children, and their children, and so on...
Imagine that everything you do can be a cure or a blessing on your great-grandchildren... man, what an impact... my little things (getting angry at that guy that cuts me off on the parkway, talking about that girl with the too short shorts, etc) are all affecting the future, their struggles will be that much bigger because I lost sight of His will. That is huge.
Here's the lyrics for you if haven't heard the song before...
I can taste the fruit of Eve. I'm aware of sickness death and disease. The resultsof her choices were vast. Eve was the firstbut she wasn't the last. If I were honestwith myself, had I been standing at thattree, my mouth and my hands would be coveredwith fruit. Things I shouldn't knowand things I shouldn't see
CHORUS: Remind me of this with every decision.Generations will reap what I sow. Ican pass on a curse or a blessingto those I will never know.
She taught us to fear the serpent. I'mlearning to fear myself and all of thethings I am capable of in my search foracceptance, wisdom and wealth. To saythe devil made me do it is a cop-outand a lie. The devil can't make me doanything when I'm calling on Jesus Christ
To my great-great-great-granddaughter,live in peace. To my great-great-great-grandson,live in peace. To my great-great-great granddaughter,live in peace. To my great-great-great-grandson,live in peace, live in peace.
Eve was the first but she wasn't the last.